USDAW: ‘Living wage’ fails to boost incomes : Morning Star

MORE than half of retail workers have seen their pay stay the same or decrease in spite of the Tories’ so-called living wage, a survey unveiled at Usdaw conference yesterday suggests.

Almost a quarter (22 per cent) of respondents to a survey carried out by the shop workers’ union said they were receiving some sort of state benefits to top up their pay.

The conference heard calls for “more prosecutions and bigger fines” to tackle unscrupulous bosses and the union reaffirmed its support for a £10 an hour baseline rate — which is now Labour Party policy.

“We need to look beyond the current legal minimum,” Usdaw deputy general secretary Paddy Lillis told the hall.

“Collective bargaining is still the best route we have to get a better deal for working people.

“We must be tough on low pay and tough on the causes of low pay.”



  1. £7.50 is not a living wage, it’s a minimum wage. In fact, it’s an insult to anyone who works hard and makes a profit for greedy bosses who have done nothing but complain about having to pay it in the first place.

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